Seven teens discover their bedroom mirrors are portals, and they're pulled from their lonely lives to a wondrous castle filled with winding stairways and watchful portraits. A girl in a wolf mask invites them to play a game.
Runtime1 hour 56 minutes
Production year2022
World premiereNovember 10, 2023
Release date
November 10, 2023
April 5, 2024
Also known as
Kagami no kojô, Lonely Castle in the Mirror, 鏡之孤城, Castelul din oglindă, Cô Thành Trong Gương, Det ensamma slottet i spegeln, Det ensomme slottet i speilet, El castillo a través del espejo, Il castello invisible, Le château solitaire dans le miroir, Lonely Castle in The Mirror, Magányos kastély a tükörben, O Espelho do Castelo Solitário, Одинокий замок в Зазеркалье, かがみの孤城, 镜之孤城
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