When a six-year-old Damian Wayne finds himself alone in Wayne Manor, he must transform into "Little Batman" in order to defend his home and Gotham City from the crooks and super-villains intent on destroying Christmas.
Merry Little Batman, Un pequeño Batman navideño, Bon Nadal, petit Batman, Feliz Mini-Bat Navidad, Joyeuse Fête de Noël, petit Batman!, Joyeux Noël, petit Batman!, Kiskarácsony, Batkarácsony, Küçük Batman'in Noeli, L'Étrange Noël du petit Batman, Người Dơi Nhí, O Natal do Pequeno Batman, Un piccolo Batman per un grande Bat-Natale, Веселый маленький Бэтмен, Різдво малого Бетмена, リトル・バットマン クリスマスの大冒険, 小蝙蝠俠聖誕大冒險
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