Featuring interviews with performers, activists and past employees, this documentary offers a deep dive into the successes and scandals of Pornhub.
Runtime1 hour 34 minutes
Production year2023
Online premiere15 March 2023
World premiere15 March 2023
Also known as
Money Shot: The Pornhub Story, El clímax del millón: La historia de Pornhub, Pornhub: Gros plan sur le géant du sexe, Cảnh Ăn Tiền: Câu Chuyện Về Pornhub, Hasta el fondo: La historia de Pornhub, Money Shot: Berättelsen om Pornhub, Money Shot: Historien om Pornhub, Money Shot: la storia di Pornhub, Nettipornon miljardibisnes, Pornhub: Sexo Bilionário, Pornhub'ın Milyar Dolarlık Hikâyesi, Seks, sieć i kasa: Historia Pornhuba, Tetőpont: A Pornhub története, The Future of Porn, Денежный выстрел: История Pornhub, マネーショット: Pornhubは語る, 一射千金:Pornhub的故事