There is a war in the world between the men and the women. A young girl tries to escape this reality and comes to a hidden place where a strange unicorn lives with a family: sister, brother, many children and an old woman that never leaves her bed but stays in contact with the world through her radio.
CountryGermany / France
Runtime1 hour 40 minutes
Production year1975
World premiere24 September 1975
Release date
20 August 1976
24 September 1975
12 February 1976
26 July 1976
Also known as
Black Moon, Lua Negra, 黑月亮, Czarny księżyc, El unicornio, Fekete Hold, Luna negra, Luna nera, Musta kuu, O Unicórnio, Svart måne, Чeрна луна, Черная луна, 블랙 문, ブラック・ムーン