Adaptation of Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya" set in rural Australia in the 1920s. Jack Dickens and his niece Sally run the family farm to support brother-in-law Alexander as a (supposedly brilliant) literary critic in London. Action begins when Alexander returns with his beautiful young wife Deborah, revealing himself as an arrogant failure and wanting to sell the farm out from under Jack. Blakemore introduces themes about Australia's separation from England, as well as expanding the pacifist and ecological philosophies espoused by the local Doctor Max Askey.
Runtime1 hour 58 minutes
Production year1994
World premiereOctober 27, 1994
Release date
October 27, 1994
September 12, 1996
July 28, 1995
Also known as
Country Life, Amours champêtres, Der Besuch aus England, Eine Liebe in Australien, Vida no Campo, Vidéki élet, Vita di campagna, Απόφαση ζωής, Деревенская жизнь, Живот извън града, Провинциальный роман, Сельская жизнь