It is an experiment based on the "E.S.T." process and therapy. "E.S.T." is an experiment where someone is locked inside a room in complete obscurity for a month or longer in order to cure any ailment.
CountryGreat Britain
Runtime2 hours 0 minute
Production year2024
Online premiere1 September 2024
World premiere1 September 2024
Also known as
Between Time and Space, BTaS, Entre le temps et l'espace, Zwischen Zeit und Raum, Entre el tiempo y el espacio, Entre o tempo e o espaço, समय और स्थान के बीच, Between Time and Space: E.S.T., Entre Le Temps Et L'Espace, Mellan tid och rum, Mellem tid og rum, Między czasem a przestrzenią, Tra Tempo e Spazio, Tussen tijd en ruimte, Zaman ve mekan arasında, Μεταξύ χρόνου και χώρου, Между временем и пространством, 時間と空間の間