The story follows a movie crew who is filming a musical in a small and idyllic alpine village. After their temperamental leading lady drops out of the film, they decide to replace her with the village's young post office clerk Gretl, who returns to Berlin with them. There she has to struggle with the movie's all-male crew, who all try to woo and win her.
Runtime1 hour 13 minutes
Production year1932
World premiereFebruary 22, 1932
Release date
February 22, 1932
Also known as
Die verliebte Firma, The Company's in Love, A cég szerelmes, Det forelskede Firma, Ist Dein Herz noch ledig?, L'amour au studio, La companyia enamora, La ditta innamorata, Le studio amoureux, Mein Herz ist noch ledig, Querida oficina