The Martians have landed and they're not to be feared! Or at least that's what TV personality Iron Idem has been telling people. Soon after their arrival, his apartment is ransacked and his wife kidnapped. He's tagged like a wild animal and his nightly scripts are being changed. What Idem's eyes are seeing no longer matches what he tells audiences night after night.
Runtime1 hour 36 minutes
Production year1981
World premiere1 November 1981
Release date
20 February 1983
1 November 1981
Also known as
Wojna swiatów - nastepne stulecie, The War of the Worlds: Next Century, A Guerra dos Mundos: Próximo Século, Krieg der Welten - Das nächste Jahrhundert, La guerra dei mondi, Wojna światów - następne stulecie, Ο πόλεμος των κόσμων: Επόμενος αιώνας, Война миров. Следующее столетие