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Praying for Armageddon

Praying for Armageddon 18+
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While much of the world struggles to keep the planet going, a frighteningly large group of American fundamentalist Christians are working to promote the apocalypse. The evangelical movement is convinced that they will be saved when Jesus appears in the state of Israel on horseback and, with a sword raised to heaven, kills the infidels so that the blood reaches the horses’ bridles. Natural fires, corona, wars and crises are evidence that the time is nigh. But for the prophecies to be realized, the state of Israel has to grow stronger, so they provide huge financial support and are so far inside the White House that they help influence US foreign policy.
Country Finland / Germany / Netherlands / Norway / Qatar / Sweden
Runtime 1 hour 37 minutes
Production year 2023
World premiere March 23, 2023
Release date
October 8, 2024 Lithuania N13
Also known as
Praying for Armageddon, Armageddon - Evangelikale und die letzte Schlacht, I väntan på Armageddon, I väntan på Harmageddon, Ima az Armageddonért, Prier pour l'Apocalypse, Rezando Pelo Armagedom, Tuomiopäivän saarnaajat, Venter på dommedag
Cast and Crew

Film rating

Rate 10 votes
7.2 IMDb
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2024, Russia, Adventure, Drama
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2024, Russia, Drama, Comedy
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, Russia, Sport, Biography
2025, Russia, Romantic
2025, USA, Action, Adventure, Fantasy
2025, USA, Horror
2025, Russia, Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy
2024, USA, Sci-Fi, Adventure, Comedy
2025, USA, Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
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