The year is 2163. Starship Ikaria XB 1 embarks on a mission deep into space in search of alien life. During their perilous journey the crew confront the effects of a malignant dark star, the destructive legacy of the 20th century and, ultimately, the limits of their own sanity.
Runtime1 hour 26 minutes
Production year1963
Also known as
Ikarie XB 1, Voyage to the End of the Universe, Icarus XB 1, Viaje al fin del universo, Icarie XB-1, Icarie XB1, Ikaria XB 1, Ikaria XB-1, Ikaria XB1, Ikarie XB-1, Ikarie-XB1, Ikarija XB 1, Viagem ao Fim do Universo, Ίκαρος XB-1, Икар-1, イカリエ-XB1, 伊卡利號:航向宇宙終點, 宇宙终点之旅