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Poster of Stones for the Rampart
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Stones for the Rampart

Kamienie na szaniec 18+
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To be defeated and not be - a victory. This is the motto that life is guided by three young friends: Alek, Sophy and Rudy. Scouts, high school graduates high school in Warsaw drifting ambitious plans for the future broken through September 1939. Entering adulthood in a very dramatic times, which puts them a choice - to survive at any cost, or to join the fighting for a free homeland, risking everything. The boys brought up in patriotic homes, shaped by the ideals of scouting, they decide to fight. They become soldiers, and although every scrape with death, they can live a full life.
Country Poland
Runtime 1 hour 51 minutes
Production year 2014
World premiere March 7, 2014
Release date
August 4, 2015 Germany 16
August 10, 2015 Great Britain 15
March 7, 2014 Poland 16
October 23, 2014 USA
Also known as
Kamienie na szaniec, Stones for the Rampart, Kövek a sáncra, Operation Arsenal - Schlacht um Warschau, The Battle for Warsaw: Stones for the Rampart, Камни на шанец, 古城墙上的石头, 堡垒坚石, 行动代号:血战到底
Magdalena Kolesnik
Magdalena Kolesnik
Andrzej Chyra
Andrzej Chyra
Cast and Crew

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Rate 10 votes
6.2 IMDb
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2024, USA, Thriller
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2025, Thailand, Action, Horror, Detective
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2024, USA / Colombia / Spain, Thriller
2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
2024, Russia, Sport, Biography
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