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Poster of Dolphin Man
Poster of Dolphin Man
7.0 IMDb Rating: 7
2 posters

Dolphin Man

Dolphin Man 18+
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As well as providing the subject for Luc Besson’s The Big Blue, Jacques Mayol did more than anyone to establish the sport of free diving to enormous depths without an oxygen supply. Using breathing techniques derived from yoga, he went to 50, 60, and even 100 meters—depths no one had considered to be within the bounds of human possibility. Mayol was a sportsman, a mystic, a vagabond, but above all, a man who believed in testing the limits of experience. This visually stunning tribute shows a man’s quest to be at one with the vastness of the ocean and to have no fear of the abyss within, where lurks serenity, freedom and finally, death.
Country Canada / France / Greece / Italy / Japan
Runtime 1 hour 20 minutes
Production year 2017
World premiere 30 September 2017
Release date
30 May 2018 France TP
2 November 2017 Greece
28 October 2017 Japan
Also known as
Dolphin Man, Człowiek delfin, Delfiinmees, Delfinmannen, Dolphin Man - Auf den Spuren von Jacques Mayol, Dolphin Man (La increíble historia de Jacques Mayol), Dolphin Man. The Story of Jacques Mayol, Homem Golfinho, L'Homme dauphin : Sur les traces de Jacques Mayol, L'uomo delfino, ドルフィン・マン ジャック・マイヨール、蒼く深い海へ, ドルフィン・マン ジャック・マイヨール、蒼く深い海へ
Jean-Marc Barr
Jean-Marc Barr
Cast and Crew

Film rating

Rate 10 votes
7 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Great Britain / USA, Action, Thriller
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2024, USA, Thriller
2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
2024, Russia, Sport, Biography
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2025, USA, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi
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