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Poster of The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
Poster of The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
8.0 IMDb Rating: 8
2 posters

The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp

The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 18+
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General Candy, who's overseeing an English squad in 1943, is a veteran leader who doesn't have the respect of the men he's training and is considered out-of-touch with what's needed to win the war. But it wasn't always this way. Flashing back to his early career in the Boer War and World War I, we see a dashing young officer whose life has been shaped by three different women, and by a lasting friendship with a German soldier.
Country Great Britain
Runtime 2 hours 43 minutes
Production year 1943
World premiere 10 June 1943
Release date
1 January 1944 Brazil e 12
26 July 1943 Great Britain
10 May 1952 Japan G
11 October 1946 Portugal e 12
30 August 1944 Sweden
4 May 1945 USA NR
Also known as
The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, Colonel Blimp, Coronel Blimp, Vida y muerte del Coronel Blimp, A Vida do Coronel Blimp, Axehasti morfi, Blimp ezredes élete és halála, Coronel Blimp - Vida e Morte, Coronel Blimp: Vida e Morte, Det begynte i Berlin, Det började i Berlin, Duellen, Duello a Berlino, Het begon in Berlijn, Kahraman subay, Le colonel Blimp, Leben und Sterben des Colonel Blimp, Se alkoi Berliinissä, The Adventures of Colonel Blimp, Viaţa şi moartea Colonelului Blimp, Vida y muerte del coronel Blimp, Ystävykset, Zivot i smrt pukovnika Blimpa, Život i smrt pukovnika Blimpa, Życie i śmierć pułkownika Blimpa, Αξέχαστη μορφή, Животът и смъртта на полковник Блимп, Жизнь и смерть полковника Блимпа, 老兵は死なず
Michael Powell
Michael Powell
Cast and Crew

Film rating

Rate 10 votes
8 IMDb
Showtimes Currently, the film is not showing in cinemas, but we can send you a message when this animated film returns to the box office.
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2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2025, Russia, Comedy, Family
2025, Russia, Adventure, Family
2025, Russia, Detective, Action
2024, USA, Thriller
2024, Belgium / Ireland / USA, Drama, History
2024, Australia / Spain, Animation
2025, Thailand, Action, Horror, Detective
2024, USA / Colombia / Spain, Thriller
2024, Canada / Great Britain, Adventure, Animation
2025, USA, Horror, Thriller
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