A woman and her daughter are each forced to contend with an increasing pressure to marry, particularly from three men who knew her late husband.
Runtime2 hours 8 minutes
Production year1960
Also known as
Akibiyori, Late Autumn, 秋日和, El fin del otoño, Dia de Outono, Fin d'automne, Fin de otoño, Frumoasa zi de Toamnă, İkinci Bahar, Késő ősz, Krásný Podzimní Den, La Pau d'un dia de tardor, Myöhäistä syksyä, O Fim do Outono, Otoño tardío, Późna jesień, Später Herbst, Spätherbst, Tardo autunno, Пізня осінь, Поздняя осень