Fleeing into the woods to save duckling stolen by Madame Fox (Vasilica Tastaman), Veronica (Lulu Mihăescu) gives Cricket (Florian Pittiş), the queen ants (Margaret Pâslaru) and Danila dangerous cat (Dem Radulescu) who intones that all Popa Themistocles other choruses. Tudor Caranfil - 2002 (Dictionary of Romanian films)
Runtime1 hour 24 minutes
Production year1973
World premiere17 December 1973
Release date
17 January 1975
3 April 1975
17 December 1973
Also known as
Veronica se întoarce, The Return of Veronica, Veronica Comes Back, Veronicas Rückkehr, Veronika povertayetsya, Veronika visszatér, Veronika vozvrashchayetsya, Weronika w kraju czarów, Вероника возвращается, Вероніка повертається