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A Jungle Book of Regulations Nie ma rózy bez ognia 16+
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Janek and Wanda live in a small room in a villa, while other rooms are occupied by offices of various institutions. Janek often stays at work after hours, just to avoid returning to the cramped apartment too early. One day, a man named Malinowski, who once lived in the same small room, visits the couple. He proposes to exchange their room for a new, two-room apartment that he has just received. Janek and Wanda are initially distrustful, but eventually, the exchange takes place. It turns out that Wanda's ex-husband, Jerzy, already lives in the new apartment. Despite the divorce, as he is registered with Wanda, he has the right to continue living in her apartment. Janek tries to find a way to get rid of the intruder.
Country Poland
Runtime 1 hour 31 minutes
Production year 1974
Also known as
Nie ma rózy bez ognia, A Jungle Book of Regulations, Lawina, Nie ma róży bez ognia, There is no rose without thorns, Нет розы без огня
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Film rating

Rate 10 votes
7.4 IMDb
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2024, USA, Animation
2024, Russia, Adventure, Animation, Family
2024, Russia, Comedy, Family
2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, Russia, Comedy
2024, France, Action, Adventure, Drama
2024, Russia, Family, Adventure
2024, Japan, Action, Animation, Drama
2024, France / USA, Adventure, Animation, Comedy
2024, USA, Musical, Fantasy, Romantic
2024, USA, Horror, Thriller
2024, Russia, Comedy
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