A budding gangster enthralls a freeloading young woman, soon taking advantage of her knack for hitch-hiking to rob middle-class, middle-aged men.
Runtime1 hour 36 minutes
Production year1960
World premiereMarch 28, 2012
Release date
November 28, 2014
July 5, 2018
July 12, 2015
Also known as
Seishun zankoku monogatari, Cruel Story of Youth, Naked Youth, 青春殘酷物語, A Story of the Cruelties of Youth, Contes cruels de la jeunesse, Contos Cruéis da Juventude, Cruel Tales of Youth, Grausame Geschichten der Jugend, Historias crueles de juventud, Juventud desnuda, Juventude Desenfreada, Kegyetlen történet az ifjúságról, Nackte Jugend, Naga młodość, Racconto crudele della giovinezza, Διεστραμμένα νειάτα, Σκληρή ιστορία της νιότης, Повесть о жестокой юности, 青春残酷物語, 青春残酷物语