Imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War, John "Kit" McKittrick is released when a New York City policeman pulls some strings. Upon returning to America, McKittrick hears that a friend has committed suicide, and he begins to smell a rat. During his investigation, McKittrick questions three beautiful women, one of whom has a tie to his refugee past. Pursued by Nazi operatives, McKittrick learns of the death of another friend, and begins to suspect the dark Dr. Skaas.
Runtime1 hour 34 minutes
Production year1943
Also known as
The Fallen Sparrow, Beijo da Traição, El beso traidor, El pardal caigut, Fallen sparrow, Il passo del carnefice, Jagat byte, Nid d'espions, O Beijo da Traição, Perseguição, Perseguido, Tuskólábú, Vrabia căzută, Το δίλημμα, Падший воробей