My name is Sofia. I’m 14 years old and I’m lost. My mother vanished inside the boarding school where she works, and my father just tried to commit suicide under strange circumstances. Next to him, an Ouija board. I used it during a terrifying seance, and the ghost of my mother told me to look for her. Everything is clear to me now. My name is Sofia. I’m 14 years old and I’m going to enroll at the boarding school to find the body of my mother.
Almaz Sinema AltufevskiyKinoteatr "Almaz Sinema Altufevskiy" raspolozhen na 3-em etazhe torgovo-razvlekatelnogo tsentra "Altufevskiy" nedaleko ot st.m. Vladykino. Sovremennoe kinoproektsionnoe i zvukovoe oborudovanie, udobnyy naklon ekrana, a takzhe shirokoe rasstoyanie mezhdu ryadami pozvolyat vam polnostyu nasladitsya prosmotrom novinki. A chtoby i malenkim zritelyam bylo komfortno vo vremya seansa, poprosite u kontrolera biletov besplatnye detskie podushechki na kresla. Vam tochno pridetsya po dushe uyutnaya, pochti domashnyaya atmosfera kinoteatra!
Ob aktualnyh skidkah i aktsiyah utochnyayte na sayte organizatora.
g. Moskva, Altufevskoe shosse, 8, TRTs «Altufevskiy»