Siddhartho Chowdhury, a brilliant young medical student, is forced to leave his studies after his father's sudden demise. He is forced to navigate the high unemployment rate and the communist socio-political climate of 1960s Calcutta in search of a job. He lives in a flat with his younger, employed sister, revolutionary brother and widowed mother. The strain of the situation ultimately causes him to hallucinate.
Runtime1 hour 50 minutes
Production year1970
World premiereOctober 27, 1970
Release date
October 27, 1970
January 1, 1971
Also known as
Pratidwandi, The Adversary, Den sökande, Der Konkurrent, Ellenfél, Kilpailija, L'adversaire, Pratidvandi, Przeciwnik, Siddharta and the City, Ung mann i byen, Противник, 対抗者, 正义者