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Scarlett Johansson Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson

Date of Birth
November 22, 1984
40 years old
Zodiac sign
Actress, Producer
163 cm
Eye color

Biography of Scarlett Johansson

The future Marvel star was born just three minutes before her twin brother. As children, they even starred in the same movie. The actress loves jazz and has several favorite jazz musicians. In addition, she herself has released two cover albums. But Scarlett is afraid to sing in public, despite the fact that performing surrounded by lots of people, on stage or on film set, is actually her job - and the one she got used to at that. One of Scarlett's main phobias concerns insects. Once, asleep, Johansson felt there was a cockroach on her face. Since that moment, she is terrified by the very thought that insects can be near. The actress has the only bad habit she cannot get rid of – it is smoking. Scarlett starred in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' while she was pregnant. Her growing belly in the tight Black Widow suit was noticeable, so it was removed with the help of graphics. But the actress still tried to perform at least some of the stunts herself, despite being pregnant. The actress can't stand Hollywood parties, preferring spending an evening in front of the TV. She also enjoys baking cupcakes.

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