Will's first passion was not acting, but music. Smith released some hip-hop tracks and gained popularity as a member of a duo. He even got a Grammy Award to his credit. Smith made a million-dollar fortune at the age of 20. After becoming a millionaire, he began to party – party hard. The money was going out at a breakneck speed, and soon the tax authorities came knocking on Smith's door. Moreover, around that time Smith also found out that he made some pretty bad investments, which brought him to the brink of financial ruin. Still, the actor was able to rectify the situation, and by 2008 he earned more than other Hollywood stars. Financially speaking, Will is a very successful actor. 9 consecutive movies starring Will Smith earned more than 100 million dollars. Smith set his personal record for the time it took to assemble a Rubik's cube - 55 seconds. It's not the only sign of his impressive intelligence, though: the actor is good at chess and also speaks fluent Spanish. Smith's latest antics include slapping the Oscars host Chris Rock, who went too far with a joke about Smith's wife.