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Lolita Chammah Lolita Chammah

Lolita Chammah

Lolita Chammah

Date of Birth
October 1, 1983
41 years old
Zodiac sign

Biography of Lolita Chammah

Lolita Chammah - French actress. She was born October 1, 1983 in Paris, France.
Best known for her work on films such as At Eternity's Gate (2019), Anton Tchékhov 1890 (2015), Malina (1991) and Aurore (2017) TV series.

Popular Movies

Story of Women 7.5
Story of Women (1988)
Consent 6.6
Consent (2023)
L'ombra di Caravaggio 6.5
L'ombra di Caravaggio (2021)


Consent 6.6
Consent Le consentement
Biography, Drama 2023, Belgium / France
Scarlet 6.4
Scarlet L'envol
Drama, History, Romantic 2022, France / Italy
Barrage 5.9
Barrage Barrage
Drama 2017, Luxembourg / Belgium / France
Memory Lane 6.1
Memory Lane Memory Lane
Romantic 2010, France
God's Offices 6
God's Offices Les bureaux de Dieu
Comedy 2008, France / Belgium
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