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Jeffrey DeMunn Jeffrey DeMunn

Jeffrey DeMunn

Jeffrey DeMunn

Date of Birth
April 25, 1947
77 years old
Zodiac sign
175 cm

Biography of Jeffrey DeMunn

Jeffrey DeMunn - American actor. He was born April 25, 1947 in Buffalo, United States of America.
Best known for his work on The Blob (1988), The Hitcher (1986), The Green Mile (1999), The Mist (2007).

Popular Movies

Storm of the Century 8.4
Storm of the Century (1999)
The Walking Dead 8.2
The Walking Dead (2010)
The Mist 7.4
The Mist (2007)


Billions 7
Drama, Crime 2016, USA
Mob City 7.4
Mob City
Drama, Crime 2013, USA
The Walking Dead 8.2
The Walking Dead
Drama, Action, Horror 2010, USA
Hollywoodland 6.3
Hollywoodland Hollywoodland
Crime, Drama, Mystery, History, Thriller 2006, USA
Empire Falls
Empire Falls
Drama, Romantic 2005, USA
The Majestic 6.9
The Majestic The Majestic
Drama, Romantic 2001, USA / Australia
Storm of the Century 8.4
Storm of the Century
Drama, Horror, Thriller 1999, USA
RocketMan 5.9
RocketMan RocketMan
Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi 1997, USA
Phenomenon 6.8
Phenomenon Phenomenon
Sci-Fi, Drama, Romantic, Fantasy 1996, USA
Citizen X 7.3
Citizen X Citizen X
Drama, Thriller, Crime 1995, Hungary / USA
Blaze 6
Blaze Blaze
Drama, Biography 1989, USA
Warning Sign 6.1
Warning Sign Warning Sign
Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller 1985, USA
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