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Vasiliy Mischenko

Vasiliy Mischenko

Date of Birth
22 July 1955
69 years old
Zodiac sign
Actor, Producer, Director

Biography of Vasiliy Mischenko

Vasiliy Mishchenko - Russian actor. He was born July 22, 1955 in Sholokhovsky (urban-type settlement), Russia.
Best known for his work on films like Krutye menty (1998), Two Women (2014) and TV shows such as A Force of One (2003), In the Service of My Country (2003).

Popular Films

Ottepel 8.2
Ottepel (2013)
Khokkeynyye papy 7.6
Khokkeynyye papy (2023)
Deja Vu 7.6
Deja Vu (1989)


V parke Chair
Drama 2024, Russia
Tverskaya. Lyuboj cenoj
Tverskaya. Lyuboj cenoj
Detective 2024, Russia
Zemskiy doktor. Vosem let spustya
Zemskiy doktor. Vosem let spustya
Romantic 2023, Russia
Khokkeynyye papy 7.6
Khokkeynyye papy Khokkeynyye papy
Comedy, Family, Sport 2023, Russia
Hammarskjöld 6.7
Hammarskjöld Hammarskjöld
Biography, Drama, Thriller 2023, Sweden
Dina i doberman
Dina i doberman
War, Drama 2022, Russia
Hozyayka gostinicy
Drama 2022, Russia
Pervyy Oskar 6.2
Pervyy Oskar
Drama, History, War 2022, Russia
Dorogie mama i papa
Dorogie mama i papa
Drama 2022, Russia
Igra s ognem
Igra s ognem
Drama 2021, Russia
Comedy 2021, Russia
Drama 2019, Russia/Ukraine/China
Desyat strel dlya odnoy
Desyat strel dlya odnoy
Detective, Romantic 2018, Russia
Badaber Fortress
Badaber Fortress
Drama, War 2018, Russia
Sem par nechistyh 6.8
Sem par nechistyh
Drama, War, Adventure 2018, Russia
Nauchi menya zhit
Nauchi menya zhit
Drama, Thriller, Detective 2016, Russia
Chastnoe pionerskoe. Ura kanikuly! 6.9
Chastnoe pionerskoe. Ura kanikuly!
Children's, Adventure 2015, Russia
Kuprin. Poedinok
Kuprin. Poedinok
Drama 2014, Russia
Ottepel 8.2
Drama, Romantic 2013, Russia
Ubit Stalina
Ubit Stalina
Adventure, War 2013, Russia
Vanechka 6.1
Vanechka Vanechka
Romantic 2007, Russia
Drama, Action, Adventure 2004, Russia
Rodina zhdyot
Rodina zhdyot
Action, Adventure 2003, Russia
And in the Morning They Woke Up 6.3
And in the Morning They Woke Up
Comedy, Drama 2003, Russia
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