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Roberto Herlitzka Roberto Herlitzka

Roberto Herlitzka

Roberto Herlitzka

Date of Birth
October 2, 1937
87 years old
Zodiac sign

Biography of Roberto Herlitzka

Roberto Herlitzka - Italian actor. He was born October 2, 1937 in Turin, Italy.
Best known for his work on films like The Final Lesson (2000), Good Morning, Night (2003), The Red and the Blue (2012), The Great Beauty (2013).

Popular Movies

Mnemonista, Il 6.8
Mnemonista, Il (2000)
The Name of the Rose 6.6
The Name of the Rose (2019)
Leonora Addio 6.4
Leonora Addio (2022)


Leonora Addio 6.4
Leonora Addio Leonora addio
Drama 2022, France / Italy
The Name of the Rose 6.6
The Name of the Rose
Drama, Crime, Detective 2019, Italy
Il processo
Il processo
Drama, Crime, Thriller 2019, Italy
Loro 1 6.1
Loro 1 Loro
Drama 2018, Italy / France
Blood of My Blood 5.8
Blood of My Blood Sangue del mio sangue
History, Drama 2015, Italy / France / Switzerland
Io, Arlecchino 6.2
Io, Arlecchino Io, Arlecchino
Drama, Comedy 2014, Italy
Mnemonista, Il 6.8
Mnemonista, Il Mnemonista, Il
Drama, Music 2000, Italy
La maschera 6
La maschera La maschera
Fantasy, Romantic 1988, Italy
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