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Eskil Vogt Eskil Vogt

Eskil Vogt

Eskil Vogt

Date of Birth
October 31, 1974
50 years old
Zodiac sign
Writer, Director, Producer

Biography of Eskil Vogt

Eskil Vogt - Norwegian film director and screenwriter. He was born October 31, 1974 in Oslo, Norway.
Best known for his work on Thelma (2017), The Worst Person in the World (2021), The Innocents (2021), Blind (2014).

Popular Movies

The Worst Person in the World 7.7
The Worst Person in the World (2021)
Oslo, August 31st 7.4
Oslo, August 31st (2011)
Reprise 7.3
Reprise (2006)


Copenhagen Does Not Exist 5.8
Copenhagen Does Not Exist Kรธbenhavn findes ikke
Romantic, Thriller 2023, Denmark / Norway / Sweden
The Innocents 6.8
The Innocents De uskyldige
Drama, Horror, Thriller 2021, Norway / Sweden / Denmark / Great Britain / France / Finland
The Worst Person in the World 7.7
The Worst Person in the World Verdens verste menneske
Drama, Comedy, Romantic 2021, Norway / France / Sweden / Denmark
Thelma 6.7
Thelma Thelma
Sci-Fi, Romantic 2017, France / Sweden / Denmark / Norway
Louder Than Bombs 6.6
Louder Than Bombs Louder Than Bombs
Drama 2015, Norway / France / Denmark
Blind 6.9
Blind Blind
Drama 2014, Norway / Netherlands
Reprise 7.3
Reprise Reprise
Drama 2006, Norway
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