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Redkaya ptitsa (2024 - 2024)

Redkaya ptica 18+
Production year 2024
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 48 minutes
Streaming service KION
Runtime 3 hours 12 minutes

TV series description

1943. Anna Petrova is a combat pilot who was seriously injured. She returned to the rear and works as a leading engineer at an aircraft factory, where new Krechety aircraft are being prepared for testing. The plant management, not knowing the consequences of her injury, instructs Anna, together with Major Zotov, to drive the Krechet prototype to the front. In addition to the desire to defeat the enemy and return home with victory, Anna also pursues a personal goal. She is determined to get even with Major Briggel, the German pilot who killed her lover.

Series rating

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7.1 IMDb
Redkaya ptitsa - Season 1 Season 1
2024, 4 episodes
Киноафиша.инфо October 26, 2024, 19:20
Сериал вас впечатлил и это здорово 😉 Спасибо, что поделились! 
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