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Voir (2021 - …)

Voir 18+
Production year 2021
Country USA
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 17 minutes
Streaming service Netflix
Runtime 1 hour 42 minutes

TV series description

The American documentary series "Voir" is an event that will involve people directly connected to the film industry. Among them will be actors who are on screen, cinematographers behind the camera, and viewers comfortably seated on this side of the screen. Devoted cinephiles will talk about their favorite scenes in famous movies. They will highlight the most epic and memorable shots. Film critics will also share their professional opinions on the matter.
Жизнь кино - trailer первого сезона
Voir  trailer первого сезона
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6.8 IMDb
Voir - Season 1 Season 1
2021, 6 episodes
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