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Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators 2018 episode 5 season 3

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"Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private Investigators" season 3 all episodes
How the Rogue Roar'd
Season 3 / Episode 1 February 3, 2020
See Thyself, Devil!
Season 3 / Episode 2 February 4, 2020
The Sticking Place
Season 3 / Episode 3 February 5, 2020
A Serpent's Tooth
Season 3 / Episode 4 February 6, 2020
Thy Fury Spent
Season 3 / Episode 5 February 7, 2020
Reputation, Reputation, Reputation!
Season 3 / Episode 6 February 10, 2020
Best Beware My Sting
Season 3 / Episode 7 February 11, 2020
All That Glisters
Season 3 / Episode 8 February 12, 2020
O Thou Invisible Spirit of Wine
Season 3 / Episode 9 February 13, 2020
Teach Me, Dear Creature
Season 3 / Episode 10 February 14, 2020
Episode description

В 3 сезоне 5 серии сериала «Шекспир и Хэтэуэй: Частные детективы» обычное расследование, связанное с пропавшими без вести, оборачивается весьма драматической историей. Фрэнк и Луэлла оказываются вовлечены в спор об открытии театра.

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