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Vera bolshe ne verit (2021 - …)

Вера больше не верит 18+
Production year 2021
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 45 minutes
TV channel ТВ Центр
Runtime 1 hour 30 minutes

TV series description

The TV series "Vera No Longer Believes" is a detective melodrama about a young woman named Vera. Upon returning to her hometown, she receives shocking news: her cousin Maria is unconscious after a brutal attack. She tries to save her cousin and find the perpetrator responsible for her hospitalization. Maria is married to Ilya, who is blamed for the assault on his wife, causing the sisters to stop communicating in the past. However, Vera is certain that kind and caring Ilya could not harm anyone.

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Vera bolshe ne verit - Season 1 Season 1
2021, 2 episodes
Stanislav Rau December 2, 2021, 08:19
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