The TV series "The Unattractive Girlfriend" tells the story of a young investigator, Antonina Ostapchuk. She is dedicated to her work and gifted with many talents, except for one unfortunate aspect - nature did not bless her with attractive looks. However, this does not stop the heroine from believing in her abilities and brilliantly solving complex cases. One day, in her hometown, someone murders a well-known designer. All the evidence points to the man's mistress, but Tony has her own opinion on the matter. She decides to dig deeper.
Отличный сериал. Главная героиня супер, без комплексов. Мне она вообще, красавицей кажется. Ум её красит ,логика и нестандартные мышление. Не зацикливаться на внешности молодец.