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Nesluchaynye vstrechi (2019 - 2019)

Неслучайные встречи 18+
Production year 2019
Country Ukraine
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 46 minutes
TV channel Україна
TV channel Домашний
Runtime 3 hours 4 minutes

TV series description

The Ukrainian melodramatic series "Chance Encounters" tells the story of a young woman named Daria. She is approaching 30, but is still unmarried and childless. Daria has also been unsuccessful in finding her calling. Despite her talent for painting, her muse abandoned her after failed relationships. She found a job at an advertising agency. However, a chance encounter completely changed her life. Daria never expected to find what she was looking for during a random conflict.
Prohor Dubravin
Prohor Dubravin
Elizaveta Mayskaya
Elizaveta Mayskaya
Cast and Crew

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Nesluchaynye vstrechi - Season 1 Season 1
2019, 4 episodes
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