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Odin protiv vseh (2017 - 2017)

Один против всех 18+
Production year 2017
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 46 minutes
TV channel НТВ
Runtime 12 hours 16 minutes

TV series description

The TV series "One Against All" is a Russian crime drama about an honest police officer. Zhenov serves in the law enforcement department of a small seaside town. He is respected not only by his colleagues but also by criminal authorities. In his territory, drugs are not sold to children and women are not forced into prostitution against their will. Crime hasn't disappeared, but it peacefully coexists with the ordinary townspeople. However, this fragile balance is shattered when a new police chief, Ganetsky, arrives in town.
Mihail Porechenkov
Mihail Porechenkov
Ilya Shakunov
Ilya Shakunov
Vladimir Zaytsev
Vladimir Zaytsev
Cast and Crew

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Odin protiv vseh - Season 1 Season 1
2017, 16 episodes
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