The TV series "The Gentlemen" is an expanded adaptation of the eponymous feature film by director Guy Ritchie. The story follows a young and enterprising guy named Mike Pearson, a former Oxford student, who comes up with a profitable but not entirely legal scheme for making money. It involves drugs and real estate owned by the impoverished members of Britain's "upper class." One day, Mike decides to step away from the business and puts his enterprise up for sale. However, it turns out that not all mobsters are happy about this.
After "Aladdin," "Sherlock Holmes," and "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword," the good old Guy Ritchie returned to his fans with the magnificent "The Gentlemen." A film about underground cannabis business in the spirit of "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" became a real hit. But its serial continuation raised skepticism from the idea stage. Is it worth expanding such excellent cinema into a separate universe? It turned out it was worth it…