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1 poster

Gordita Chronicles (2022 - …)

Gordita Chronicles 18+
Production year 2022
Country USA
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 30 minutes
Streaming service HBO Max
Runtime 5 hours 0 minute

TV series description

"Gordita Chronicles" is an American family comedy series about the life of a young immigrant named Carlotta Castelli. Despite being only 12 years old, she has the ability to turn the whole town upside down. Affectionately called "Kuku" by her family, the heroine is forced to leave her native Dominican Republic and her church school in Santo Domingo to move to Miami with her family. Now, Kuku confidently pursues the "American dream," even though she still struggles to adapt to life in a foreign country and culture.
Diana-Maria Riva
Diana-Maria Riva
Cast and Crew

Series rating

Rate 1 vote
7.5 IMDb
Gordita Chronicles - Season 1 Season 1
2022, 10 episodes
Ирина Дунязина July 15, 2022, 22:38
Классный сериал! Отличная игра актёров. Главная героиня, просто обояшка) Хороший юмор !
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