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Vosem razgnevannyh zhenschin poster
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Vosem razgnevannyh zhenschin (2022 - …)

Восемь разгневанных женщин 18+
Production year 2022
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 10 minutes
Streaming service CHILL
Runtime 1 hour 20 minutes

TV series description

The TV series "Eight Angry Women" is a Russian drama about the visitors of a very ordinary beauty salon. There is no luxury service here, and the establishment is run by a simple hairdresser who loves to listen to her clients' stories. And they invariably return to her, not only for hairstyles and manicures, but also to simply pour their hearts out to someone. One heroine has a problem with her daughter, another is subjected to violence by her alcoholic husband - all the stories are different, but they are all purely feminine.
Anastasiya Gorodentseva
Anastasiya Gorodentseva
Cast and Crew

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Vosem razgnevannyh zhenschin - Season 1 Season 1
2022, 8 episodes
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