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Ne vmeste (2017 - 2017)

Не вместе 18+
Production year 2017
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 48 minutes
TV channel Домашний
Runtime 16 hours 0 minute

TV series description

The protagonists of the melodramatic series "Not Together" are a married couple going through a difficult divorce. Vyacheslav confesses to his wife that he cheated on her. She is devastated at first, but quickly realizes that this is not a sentence for her, but a chance to become happier. She opens her own club for girls, meets a guy who was once in love with her, and immerses herself in the joys of "second youth". However, Slava cannot get used to the fact that he is now a lonely man. And their daughter Vika is not happy about the divorce.

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Ne vmeste - Season 1 Season 1
2017, 20 episodes
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