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Zapiski ekspeditora Taynoy kancelyarii 2 poster
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Zapiski ekspeditora Taynoy kancelyarii 2 (2011 - 2011)

Записки экспедитора Тайной канцелярии 2 18+
Production year 2011
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 44 minutes
TV channel Россия 1
Runtime 5 hours 52 minutes

TV series description

The TV series "Notes of the Secret Chancellery's Dispatcher 2" is a continuation of the historical detective story about court intrigues. Several months have passed since the death of Emperor Peter the Great, and the country is entering turbulent times. Officer Semyon Plakhov is accused of murdering a high-ranking official. However, Ushakov believes in Semyon's innocence and sets him free to send him abroad on an important mission. The hero will have to visit Europe and the New World, battle pirates, and save his good name.

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Zapiski ekspeditora Taynoy kancelyarii 2 - Season 1 Season 1
2011, 8 episodes
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