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Land of Women (2024 - …)

Land of Women 18+
Production year 2024
Country USA/Spain
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 45 minutes
Streaming service Apple TV+
Runtime 4 hours 30 minutes

TV series description

The protagonist of the series Land of Women is a typical wealthy socialite from an elite neighborhood in New York named Gala. She is married to an influential businessman and knows no need. But everything changes when Gala's husband is unexpectedly accused of financial fraud. He runs away, leaving his family to fend for themselves, and all the problems fall on Gala's shoulders. She has to leave for her hometown in Spain with her elderly mother and teenage daughter. Three generations of women start a new life.

Series rating

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6.2 IMDb
Land of Women - Season 1 Season 1
2024, 6 episodes
Даша Мельникова July 11, 2024, 21:00
Ева Лонгория - великолепна. Сериал - легкий, душевный, не напрягает, но есть интерес его смотреть и ждать новые серии. очень красивые виды, забавная музыка. Мне правда понравился!
Киноафиша.инфо July 13, 2024, 18:53
Рады, что сериал вызвал у вас столько положительных эмоций 😊
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