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Prozrenie (2022 - 2022)

Прозрение 18+
Production year 2022
Country Ukraine
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 50 minutes
TV channel Домашний
Runtime 3 hours 20 minutes

TV series description

The story revolves around a young girl named Anya, who was raised in the family of a respected professor. She married a man much older than her, and then met a young attractive guy named Martin and fell in love with him. After some time, Anya faces betrayal from her closest friend, whom she had been friends with since childhood. Since then, the life of the main character has become a real nightmare, full of pain, infidelity, and betrayal.
Natalya Batrak
Natalya Batrak
Tatyana Cherdyntseva
Tatyana Cherdyntseva
Cast and Crew

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Prozrenie - Season 1 Season 1
2022, 4 episodes
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