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Zhena Robinzona (2021 - 2021)

Жена Робинзона 18+
Production year 2021
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 25 minutes
Streaming service Epic Media
TV channel ТВ Центр
Runtime 1 hour 40 minutes

TV series description

The protagonist of the series "The Wife of Robinson" is a young married woman named Marina. She used to love her husband Egor, but gradually their feelings faded away. For several months now, she has been unable to bring herself to get a divorce. She plans to do it in a relaxed atmosphere during their shared vacation in Thailand, but she doesn't have the chance... Egor doesn't return from an extreme fishing trip. Three years pass, her husband is declared dead, and Marina plans to marry his friend. But unexpectedly, the lost spouse is discovered on a deserted island.

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Zhena Robinzona - Season 1 Season 1
2021, 4 episodes
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