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Spina k spine (2020 - …)

Спина к спине 18+
Production year 2020
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 6 minutes
Streaming service Okko
Runtime 2 hours 36 minutes

TV series description

The main characters of the Russian animated series "Back to Back" are backpack friends. Ruk, Botya, and Moli are always happy to serve their owners and accompany them on any journey. These restless kids spend most of their lives on people's backs, not only keeping their most important belongings intact but also sometimes protecting them like true comrades in battle. But as soon as their owners leave them unattended, the backpacks find adventures on their own, without the help of their two-legged companions.
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Spina k spine - Серия 1 Серия 1
2020, 26 episodes
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