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Nelyubov (2018 - 2018)

Нелюбовь 18+
Production year 2018
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 45 minutes
TV channel Домашний
Runtime 3 hours 0 minute

TV series description

The series "Dislike" is a drama about the complicated relationship between a mother and daughter. Tamara becomes a victim of abuse and soon gives birth to an unwanted child - little Dinka. She keeps her daughter but is unable to love her. When a new "father" Petr and his son Sasha enter the family's life, the situation improves. However, Petr dies in a fire, possibly caused by Dinka playing with matches. Years pass, and the mother's animosity towards her own child only intensifies, especially when a romance develops between Sasha and Dina.
Anton Makarskiy
Anton Makarskiy
Anastasiya Kuimova
Anastasiya Kuimova
Nastasya Kerbengen
Nastasya Kerbengen
Cast and Crew

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Nelyubov - Season 1 Season 1
2018, 4 episodes
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