The plot of the series "Ten’nô no Ryôriban" unfolds in Japan at the beginning of the twentieth century. A young man named Tokuzo (Sato) lives in a village with his family and tries to find his place in life. In order to diversify his leisure time and find a hobby he enjoys, Tokuzo has tried a thousand different activities, but none of them appeal to him. One day, his parents decide to take on the task of raising their wayward son and make the determined decision to marry him off. They choose a very sweet and modest girl from a wealthy family for him. Soon after the wedding, Tokuzo finds himself in the kitchen of a restaurant, where he tastes a cutlet. The taste of this cutlet literally changes his life, and he decides to uncover the secret of its preparation. In order to succeed in the culinary field, Tokuzo will have to go through all the stages of apprenticeship at cooking courses and work as a lowly assistant in the kitchen - washing floors and mountains of dirty dishes, eating leftovers. The series is inspired by the novel about the imperial chef Tokuzo Akiyama and thoroughly depicts all the stages of the famous chef's development.