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Zamuzh za Buzovu (2018 - …)

Замуж за Бузову 18+
Production year 2018
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 1 hour 30 minutes
TV channel ТНТ
Runtime 12 hours 0 minute

TV show description

Despite helping others find love, Olga Buzova has yet to find personal happiness herself. The unique project "Marry Buzova" will help this vibrant showwoman change that. She will share her priorities in relationships and consider several candidates for her hand and heart. Each participant in the show is a unique individual who can offer Olga their love, care, and financial security. Within the program, they will demonstrate everything they are capable of for the sake of the heroine. The demanding star faces a difficult task: choosing a person with whom she will feel comfortable.

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Zamuzh za Buzovu - Season 1 Season 1
2018, 8 episodes
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