"The Great Races" is a popular television show that originated in France in the 1960s and later spread to 30 different countries, including Russia. The show immediately gained popularity in Russia after its premiere on the channel "Perviy". However, "The Great Races" is not "Fun Starts" or other similar shows - it is a real extreme, sometimes involving bullfights and other dangerous challenges.
The show features celebrities from the world of show business, who participate in various challenges on specially designed tracks that require a wide range of skills and qualities from the participants. It is also customary for the participants to wear ridiculous costumes, making "The Great Races" a true spectacle for the viewers. Dmitry Nagiyev hosted the show until 2014, and was then replaced by Kirill Nabutov.
In 2014, Russia competed against four continents, the European, American, African, and Asian teams.