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Metod uborschicy (2023 - 2023)

Метод уборщицы 18+
Production year 2023
Country Russia
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 44 minutes
TV channel ТВ Центр
Runtime 2 hours 56 minutes

TV series description

The story revolves around a woman named Sasha Meshcheryakova. She gets a job as a cleaner in the police department of a small town called Kalinova. She wants to leave behind some events from her past life, which were connected to crimes, and prefers to simply mop the floors in the office. Previously, Meshcheryakova worked as a profiler and assisted in capturing several criminals, but after an unfortunate incident, she decided to quit the profession. However, soon Sasha is in for a new and unexpected twist in her life...

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Metod uborschicy - Season 1 Season 1
2023, 4 episodes
tatianas51 May 1, 2023, 01:30
Смотрится интересно. Мариэтта Ц. П. - мне нравится. Даже в таком простеньком кино. Интересная актриса.
Музыкальное сопровождение не просто плохое- … Read more…
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