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Boonie Bears: The Adventurers 2 (2018 - )

Boonie Bears: The Adventurers 2 18+
Production year 2018
Country China
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 13 minutes
Runtime 11 hours 16 minutes

TV series description

Tourists from all over the world arrive at the Pine Tree Reserve, attracted by its pristine beauty and rare wildlife. It seems like everything is going perfectly for the forest inhabitants. However, this is not the case. One day, an evil scientist named Rex Vector appears in the forest, determined to capture all the animals for his experiments. Carly, who has returned to the forest after her studies, realizes that tough times have come for her forest team. Together with Vick and the bear brothers Briar and Bramble, Carly prepares to defend the forest.
Tan Xiao
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Boonie Bears: The Adventurers 2 - Season 1 Season 1
TBA, 52 episodes
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