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Zapah lavandy (2016 - 2016)

Запах лаванды 18+
Production year 2016
Country Russia/Belarus
Total seasons 1 season
Episode duration 49 minutes
TV channel Россия 1
Runtime 3 hours 16 minutes

TV series description

The story revolves around Galina Andreevna, a modest woman who works as a teacher at a music school. She divorced her husband a long time ago and dedicated herself to raising her son Maxim. After Maxim brought a girl from an orphanage to his mother and declared her his bride, Galina Andreevna kicked her out. She is convinced that her son deserves a more worthy girl. However, Maxim followed Varvara and... saved her life at the cost of his own. The girl survived but ended up confined to a wheelchair.

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Zapah lavandy - Season 1 Season 1
2016, 4 episodes
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